Change the Email Signature in the Outlook iOS App

To change your email signature in the Outlook app and make a different signature for each of your email accounts:

  1. Open the Outlook app, then tap your profile icon in the upper-left corner. In older iOS versions, tap the three-line menu.

  2. Tap Settings (the gear icon).

  3. Scroll to the Mail section.

  4. Tap Signature.

  5. In the Signature screen, erase the signature and enter a new signature. To set up a different email signature for a different account, turn on the Per Account Signature toggle switch.

  6. When you're done, tap the back arrow to return to the Settings screen.

  7. The new signature appears in the Signature section. If Per Account Signatures is enabled, the signature does not appear.

  8. Tap the Exit button to return to your mail.

ProTiP copy/past the validated signature from a coworker in the organization

  • 3 Пользователи нашли это полезным
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